What Changes The World Starts With You.

It is easy to change the lives of people. It takes one person at a time. Changing the world can happen anywhere anytime. It matters not your race, gender, orientation or social status. Our struggles in the world are similar. Solutions to the world's problems lie in men and women who are willing to take the risk and start making the right decisions. Generations can be changed because of your own personal decision.

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How can each one of us change the world? The following are some of the ways that can help you and I to play our part in changing the world.

Start doing simple tasks that you often overlook. Completion of simple tasks will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do another and another. Completion of the little tasks will make you aware that little tasks completed make up greatness. Never overlook the little tasks in your life. If you cannot do the little things correctly then you can never do the big things right too.
If you hope to be a world changer, you will need to find someone to help you along the way. It can be frustrating journey when you travel it on your own. Through difficult times you will need help and assistance. Nothing matters than the will to succeed. if you want to be a world changer you are never measured by your social status, race, colour or anything else. You are only measured by the size of your heart.

Sometimes you will try very hard and still fail to achieve. That is the way life is. Do not give up or give in. Sometimes you will look stupid after trying so hard and the naysayers will always point fingers at you but still, dust yourself up after each fall and go ahead. Do not stop. Some days you will fail to measure up but it does not matter. The pain of failure will only build you up to be a better person altogether.

You may sometimes need do foolish moves just to break the records. You may have to slide into the thick of things head first. Take the risks and decide to do something that no one has ever done before. Never back down from trouble.

If you want to change the world you should have hope. Hope makes you sing when you are stuck in the mud. Have a positive attitude towards all circumstances.

Take the Initiative and start playing your part in leaving this world a better place than we found it.

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